What is yoga | yoga Tips

The health benefits of yoga have spread its wings like no other practices and thus, have become popular among the masses. Many are not aware that this art has been in practice for more than 5000 years. According to records, nearly 11 million Americans are reaping the wondrous benefits of yoga. In common parlance, yoga is attributed to different sets of physical and mental disciplines which have their roots in India or to define it broadly, it refers to a Hindu discipline, aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility that is achieved through the three paths of action, knowledge and devotion. Raja Yoga, Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga and Hatha Yoga are the different types of the same. Yoga poses, which are known as asanas, breathing exercises known as pranayama, meditation and chanting are among the many things which people get familiar with, in yoga practices. So what are the benefits of yoga practice? Keep reading, be answered and amazed!People suffering from high blood pressure or respiratory problems, can reap immense benefits from inculcating yoga in their daily lives. Yoga enhances the circulation and oxygenation in the body, thus keeping blood pressure at a normal level. Yoga ensures controlled breathing and better fitness. This in turn, ensures a lower respiratory rate. So, when the respiratory rate is low, it indicates that the lungs are working fine and with more efficiency. Thus, yoga also keeps a check on respiratory ailments. Read more on different types of yoga.
One of the popular health benefits of yoga which people attain is a slower pulse rate. A slower pulse rate is indicative of the healthy function of the heart. Meaning, the heart is capable of pumping more blood with fewer beats. This is one of the greatest benefits for people suffering from, or are prone to hypertension, heart diseases and stroke. When nutrients and oxygen are transported throughout the body, blood circulation is kept at a maintained level. Regular practice of yoga does that for you and thus, provides healthier organs, skin and brain.
People can not only notice the effects that yoga has on their body, but they can feel the changes in their mental health as well. Even people who are novice in this field, feel calmed and less stressed after their very first class. Yoga practices help in reducing catecholamines, dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine thus, lessen the stress in one's mind and provide calmness and tranquility.Improving concentration and mood and reducing depression are some more benefits of yoga for men & women. In fact, people of all age groups. Yoga students will always be with the feedback that they feel happier and at rest after every class they participate in. Know more on tantric yoga exercises.It has been studied that people who go for regular yoga classes have lower levels of cholesterol and triglyceride and a stronger immune system, than those who did not. Apart from these, people noticed a reduction in the intensity of the symptoms of asthma, back pain, arthritis, insomnia, multiple sclerosis, etc. Maintaining a balanced metabolism rate, increasing pain tolerance, improving gastrointestinal functions and cardiovascular endurance are the other health benefits of yoga.Benefits of yoga during pregnancy are even vouched by doctors, as it provides the best and the most soothing effect of physical and mental exercises to an expecting mother. The calming effect which yoga has is beneficial for both the mother and the child. It also helps the expecting mother to tone the reproductive organs, pelvis and the rest of your body to ensure an easier childbirth. Not only it helps her to counter the excruciating pains of pregnancy, but also helps her with a natural childbirth. Through yoga breathing practices taken up by the mother, the unborn child can benefit from vital oxygen and energy and thus, place his foot into his world as a healthy and happy child. To sum up, yoga during pregnancy puts the mother in tune with her baby!Before I go to the conclusion, here is a quick insight on what are the benefits of yoga and pilates? Well, the benefits are no different than what have been described above. However, the program may provide higher level of efficiency and better results. Benefits of yoga just cannot be merely put down in black and white. These were the benefits which have been observed by experts and by those who have inculcated this art in their lives. However, there may still be other innumerable benefits, which yoga might have in store for mankind, but have not been discovered yet. So, make this healing art a part of your lives and enjoy living each day healthily and happily!<!-- From http://www.buzzle.com/articles/benefits-of-yoga.html --> <!-- google_ad_section_end --> It starts right in the cozy water body called womb, your child's celebration of being given a human body. The unborn baby flexes its arms, kicks its legs, and swims around vigorously within the tiny space given to it. Then, after birth, here is a period of adjustment but very soon the urge to movement returns. Within a few months, turning, kicking on stimuli and every human movement is stronger than ever. We adults believe that a growing infant is actually immobile, the fact is, is muscles are always in motion. They are constantly stretching, poised for growth. But at that stage, exercises are limited to some stretching and pulling massages that a touch-hungry mother may give. By the time the toddler learns to crawl, stand and then walk, skies are the limit.Teaching them simple exercises as a part of the fun ad games will start healthy development of the muscles and organs, encourage circulation of blood and help growth of the bone structure. Starting he celebration of movement young, will also help to inculcate in them a lifetime of appreciation for physical well being, and the urge to stay in touch with one's own body… something that goes a long way in giving them a happy, healthy life. Besides, the earliest impressions of parents themselves taking care of their physical fitness also contribute to a child's ability to do it.With your infant, encourage happy moments of moving together, touch their toes, and their podgy soles, and watch them move their little legs about. Watch how happy they are at your touch, this invaluable bond that will for the first strand of their social relationships. Hold the toes and gently stretch the legs over each other. The baby will love this; do the same with the arms. A little oil massage during this exercise will also help to relax the baby. A grandma's exercise during an oil massage is to bring all the little limbs together, pull the arms and legs over the tummy and with a clap and a smile, just leave them go… babies love the fuss, the noise and of course, the muscles will be adequately stretched too. These movements are helping the muscle to grow and strengthen. The touch is invaluable too.Over the next two years, you will be the source of the child's exercise. By the age of two, they can start gentle stretching and simple exercises. These can help in their growth as well as mental and emotional relaxation … the kids of today need that for all the stress they live with, school, pressure to perform, pressure to behave, pressure to compete, after school activities…God knows they need all the relaxation they can get.Here are some simple ways to relax their minds as well as muscles:Deep Relaxation- Pranayam encourages deep relaxation of the sense by becoming aware of the breathing process. This might get complicated for a child, so helping them concentrate on something pleasant may be a better idea. So, the child can lie down, on a mat or a carpet on her back, legs and arms straight and on the side. Ask her to breathe gently, eyes closed, and see in front of them, a warm sandy beach, waves lapping close by, a deep blue sky on top. Ask her to listen … she can hear the lapping of waves, the whisper of breeze; the cries of the seagulls….this could be done for a couple of minutes. The child will be adequately relaxed by then. (Alternately, ask the child to imagine herself on a swing on a warm, sunny afternoon …back and forth, back and forth…)Another meditation can be done sitting down, eyes closed, legs crossed, back straight and arms resting on the lap. Slightly older children could do this type of meditation. Take deep breaths counting in as one count and out as second count. In this manner count fifty or more counts. Finally, take a very deep breath in and then slowly leave it, open your eyes, stand up and stretch. The same meditation can be done while walking at an even pace, arms swinging comfortably.