Yoga for gas trouble

Yoga is very helpful for gas trouble as it helps to expel the gas by stimulating peristalsis and increasing blood flow to the digestive organs so that they can work more effectively. Try these pose to relieve your gas problem –
  • Vajrasana – sit in vajrasana for 10-12 minutes after your meals daily, this pose is very helpful in eliminating the gas problem. For this place yoga mat on the floor. Sit on the mat with legs straight. Now bend one leg at a time at knees and place it under the hips. Place both legs carefully in such a way that the toes touch each other and the knees are apart forming a ‘V' shape. Place your hips on the heels and place your hands under the stomach. Concentrate on your breathing while you are in this pose.
  • Pawanmuktasan – lie on your back on a yoga mat that is placed on the floor. Bend your left leg at the knee to fold it and bring it close to your stomach with the support of the left hand. Bend at neck and try to touch your nose to your knee, stay in this position for 30 seconds and then repeat the same thing with right leg. Then bend both the legs together and perform this pose. This pose will not only help to eliminate excess gas but also provide flexibility of hips and knees and reduce the belly fat.  