Our Bodies Dream Diet Secret ;)

When I first started to consciously eat healthier I tried every diet I’d heard about.

What I found is something about each diet that didn’t work for me. You wouldn’t expect someone to have the exact body type as you. Its crazy to think religiously following a step by step guide intended for “most” women, will benefit you.

People ask me about my diet all the time.

I gave up all meat, including chicken when I was 19. Now, I’m technically not a vegetarian, because I eat fish, or a pescatarian, because I still eat eggs, cheese, and all other dairy products. Some people might criticize my restrictions, but I’m comfortable eating what works for my body.

During college I did a complete over hall of my diet. I lived in a dorm with no kitchen. I was basically eating all raw foods with occasional fiber bars, or fat free/low calorie snacks. I was on what I though was a “health craze.”

I looked great, but I felt tired all the time. I was in bed by 9 o’clock, and 10 out the maybe 13 hours I was a wake I spent on edge while carefully calculating my iron, protein, carbs, and fat percentages.

All these restrictions had made me irritable, and uptight. I wasn’t giving my body what it needs to survive. Which is different for everyone. I decided to stop restricting myself from fish and cooked foods, because I love them. After all a healthy lifestyle is about MODERATION not DEPRIVATION.

Your eating healthy to live longer. More years to either suffer through, or savor your meals.

I’ve learned there is a healthIER alternative to almost anything! I also learned healthy does not equal fat free, or low calorie. Always consider what is being added, in order to reduce the fat or calories. It’s usually sodium, or artificial sweeteners, which contain sorbitol, or aspartame. These laxative additives have been proven to cause small amounts of stomach poisonings, and can lead to irritable bowl syndrome (look for them in anything sugar free!)

The best advice is, prepare to be HUNGRY. Hunger can hit fast and lead you to make regretful food decisions. I stock our fridge with cut fruits and vegetables. I pre-wash everything and keep it in tupperware.

I also keep a variety of healthy alternatives in the apartment. Companies like Boca, Morning Star, Quorn, Amy’s, make delicious meatless options. Whether your craving a cheeseburger, ground beef, chicken nuggets, or even bacon, they’ve got it. They’re actually really good (my meat eater friends agree). They’re also freezable and microwavable, so they cook fast and last long.

I love Tempeh and Tofu. I use the tofu in stir-fry with Asian dressing when I’m craving Chinese food. They also make alternative cream cheese or Tofutti.

When I want sweets, I go for the real stuff. I love frozen yogurt, but I don’t do sugar free. I stick to chocolate froyo. I mix in Annie’s organic graham crackers, or I buy a 60% (or more) coco chocolate bar. I love organic lollipops and gummy bears, by Yummy Earth. Peeled Snacks, is an organic dried fruit company. Ingredients: only the organic fruit, NOTHING else.

I make my own juices and keep them packaged in the fridge. I love Kale Juice, Carrot, Iceburg, and even parsley mixed with mint (The juice helps aid digestion also, which can be a problem when you first state eating healthier.)

Companies like Teavana, and Republic of Tea, have different tea leafs and strainers. They make great tea alternatives to any drink you can think of, chocolate milk, coffee, even energy drinks.

And if you’re like me and there is absolutely no alternative for the girl-scout cookies you’ve been eating since you were 5. Then DON’T try to find one. You’ll only end up dissatisfied and eventually buying them anyway. Use them as motivation to squeeze in some extra yoga time this week!