Restore, Recharge, and READY!

A great yoga practice means doing what feels right for your body. As yogis we all know when our bodies are to their limit, and we can always resort to Child's Pose. These few seconds of refueling actually helps us to challenge our bodies to push even further through the rest of the class.

At CPY, Vinyasa flow is never the same sequence of poses. Tara keeps our focus by adding new poses or new variations, but the one consistent pattern, is challenge to recovery. We push our bodies, restore momentarily, and push again. So what if our busy days were made around short, "child's pose moments?" It might never be socially acceptable to literally go into child's pose whenever ever you need to (unless your a yoga instructor... go YTT!). Its funny to think of people in an office setting, or in a shopping mall breaking for a minute, and laying in child's pose, but we all do need a break from the high stress aspects of the day. Our minds and bodies need a second to restore, so were not running on empty all the time.

Sometimes, I'm quick to think my body is, "to its limit," for the day, but once I take a break, I'm amazed by how much energy I still have in me. 

I read an article this week about napping shortly while working. Which I think should be more common. When I visited Italy in high school, I was amazed that so many businesses close for lunch. They work through the morning, close for a long lunch, and re open for dinner. Regardless of what time you take lunch, I definitely love the idea of stopping whatever your busy doing and resting. 

In yoga we've mastered the ability to clear our mind and enter our, "yoga focus." Now we need to use that focus in different chunks of your day. Stretch, take a nap, or just go outside and close your eyes. You'll probably be surprised by how much energy you still have in you for the rest of your day.