Start With Why

“Those who know their Why are
the ones who lead.
They are the ones who inspire.

– Simon Sinek

I’m reading a great book by Simon Sinek entitled , “Start With Why.”  Why is such a curious and almost foreign concept when it comes to inspiration and even self-motivation.  As Americans we’ve been bred to start with What and How.  Interestingly enough, if we focus on our Why first, everything else will fall into place.   I’m uncovering the importance of this concept on a day-to-day basis; from relationships to career decisions even to my beliefs and values.  I truly believe we grow (in all facets of our life) when we begin to understand “WHY we do, not what we do.”  So simple, it’s complicated, huh?

On Simon Sinek’s website  he delves into the processes of discovering your Why.  He states:
  • Clarify your Why
  • Articulate your Hows
  • Learn the importance of being consistent in What you do

The Why Discovery process is about considering the past and examining those times when everything seemed to go perfectly. The WHY does not come from looking ahead at what you want to achieve, it is not borne out of any market research and it doesn’t come from extensive interviews with customers or employees.

You will discover your Why when you look in the complete opposite direction from where you are now. The WHY comes from looking back at all those times when you loved working on a project or loved a job. By examining those times when everything just “felt right” and you loved the experience – when you were living your Why – you will uncover the keys to discovering and articulating your personal WHY.