The Importance of Detoxing

You might be surprised by how many people live a relatively healthy lifestyle; eat nutritious foods, exercise regularly, get enough sleep, etc.  However, there are many factors that contribute to cellular destruction that you don't even notice because they're everyday occurrences that you've passed off as, "that's just life."  Does this sound familiar? more than 15 minutes of commuting in a car, long work days, carting kids to and from places, taking care of errands and chores, drinking too much coffee, multiple dinners/happy hours with friends, mortgage payments, car payments, saving for retirement, illness in your family?  And that's just naming a few!  Now, we can't all live in a Ashram high in the Himalayas year round and remove ourselves from society, but we can be proactive in our health.  If your home was your body, think of the best times to clean it out - Spring and Fall!   As we wind down from the summer, take note of how your mind, body and emotions are feeling.  If you're at all run down in any (or all) these areas, it could be time to refuel.

According to Natural Healing News:

Every day we are exposed to a variety of environmental chemicals and toxins that can be absorbed into the body via breathing, eating, drinking and more. In addition, lifestyle choices sometimes include smoking, alcohol, junk food and artificial sweeteners, just to name a few — all increasing the toxic load on our bodies.


Why and how to detox?

Everybody needs time and the opportunity to detox, or cleanse the blood. Toxic buildup often leads to headaches, allergies, infections, body odor, muscle and joint pain, flu-like symptoms, and digestive symptoms such as bloating, gas and constipation. Detoxification can allow many of these problems to disappear, cultivating an energized, more positive state of health.

There are several ways to detox. Some individuals choose to fast for a few days, allowing the organs to rest, while others prefer a one- to two-week program in which they adhere to a restricted diet, consuming only natural fruits, vegetables and, occasionally, light proteins. In most detoxification programs, liver-stimulating herbs such as dandelion are taken along with herbal supplements intended to promote elimination through the kidneys, intestines and skin. Improved circulation is encouraged with lymphatic exercise and dry skin brushing.


When not to detox

It is important to note that detoxification is not for everyone, including nursing mothers, children, and patients with impaired immune systems or chronic degenerative disease.
While some individuals feel no different on a detoxification program, others may actually feel worse before they feel better. If one feels he or she may not be a good candidate for a traditional detoxification, there are plenty of other ways to maintain a healthy and clean balance, such as regular exercise, drinking plenty of filtered water and eating healthily.

Other lifestyle choices in a detoxification program include yoga, meditation or prayer, journaling and laughter. Each of these provides a mental, emotional or physical release — key factors in achieving balance in the body.