There is no doubt about it, our mood and emotions affect what we eat, and what we eat affects our mood and emotions. Our relationship with food...how we eat, what we eat, how we treat ourselves when we eat, how we cope through eating and/or not eating...is all about our relationship with ourselves and whether or not we want to be alive. Food is a root chakra need, we all get that we MUST eat in order to live; But what we often forget is that if we approach food with negativity, fear and/or guilt, we are setting a foundation for ourselves that annihilates the essence of who we are and prevents us from living...not just living physically but emotionally and spiritually as well. Because in eating we have forgotten to nourish ourselves.

What we can strive for is non-attachment to food, unconditional love to oneself (and in turn, to all others), requiring the ability to forgive and learn regardless of whether we ate apple pie or salad for lunch. For many of us, the FIRST step to becoming our radiant selves is in healing ourselves of the stories we tell ourselves about food that are really just an indication of us not wanting to BE here. Not wanting to show who we are because of fear. We are sad or angry so we eat or deprive ourselves of eating so we feel more sad and angry rather than expressing. This is human, this is natural, BUT we can learn to eat and treat eating as NOURISHMENT, as a way to be, learn, grow, love, heal and live.