Yogi G Words of Wisdom - The Healing Power of Yoga

Note:  As I am writing this weekly entry, it is the Spring Season and I am preparing for my annual trip to St. Thomas Parish, Jamaica.  This is my eighth year assisting the Central Virginia Medical Mission Team with support for a medical team serving 2,000 Jamaican residents over 6 days.  The 10 day trip takes me out of my normal daily Yoga practice and more toward Bhaki (love and devotion) and Karma (selfless service) Yoga Paths.  I look forward to this trip, which challenges me physically and emotionally, and ask for your prayers for safe travel.  I will write of my experiences upon my return.  Namaste, Yogi G


One of our greatest gifts of life is achieved through the transforming power of Yoga.  The practice of doing our work (or Sadhana) following the eight limbs of Yoga brings tremendous benefit physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  When practiced simultaneously, the eight limb practice of Raja Yoga develops strength, flexibility, balance and coordination in the physical body.  It brings calming mental effects, emotional peace and spiritual clarity.  These benefits are obtained following a set of simple rules and practices defined in the 2,500 year old Yoga Sutras of the sage Patanjali.  This text conveys to us the basic teachings of Yoga  passed down verbally by generations of practitioners.  Although Yoga is not new, the last 100 years has seen tremendous growth in application to challenges of our modern age.  Yoga practices include observances that relate to our relationships with others (Yamas) and oneself (Niyamas).  Physical exercises or postures (Asanas) for physical and mental benefit; and breathing techniques (Pranayama) to bring Divine Energy to the body and spirit.  The mental and emotional body finds peace through the spiritual practices (Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi).  The practices of Patanjali are the Eight Limb Path of Yoga (Ashtanga).   The Sutras (threads) were written down to ensure the benefits of the practice could be carried forward to future generations. When one begins the Yoga path, it can seem overwhelming at first.  All the confusing information.  My encouragement is to give it time.  Yoga is a process, using ancient tools and methods to find direction in life, a sense of balance and grounding in the present moment.  It is far more than a physical form of exercise.  And when applied, regardless of your belief, it can make a difference to deepen your connectedness to yourself, to others and to the world around you (Creation and Creator).  The true healing power of Yoga is learning to Love oneself, as you are, for whom you are, in the present moment, and to trust that things work out for good.  Yoga will empower you to take charge of what we can control, and to allow God to take care of the rest.  It is my prayer this day that you will begin down the path to seek the healing power of Yoga both physically, emotionally and spiritually.  To learn more about this path get a copy of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali or take a Yoga Teacher Training (YTT) near you. There are many great teachers of Yoga.  Find your path and a teacher.  You will be transformed forever!