Yoga breathing to ease the pressure control

Abdominal breathing oscillation
abdominal breathing oscillation is essentially a reverse abdominal breathing, yoga at the treatment of scoliosis has done a basic introduction. Here are some subtle differences. The purpose of this breathing is to activate the lower spine and the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic area, the lumbar and sacral spine as well as the connection can increase the space between, in order to ease the disc, lumbar scoliosis and other causes of the sciatic nerve compression; At the same time caused by the breathing exercise to relieve pelvic and hip joints around the pelvic area of tension.
practice methods: sitting and supine can be, in order to achieve the best results, usually supine position. If the supine, knees, soles of his feet to feel better, then you can use, but also boosted the waist in order to increase comfort. Naturally relax, take a deep breath first, calm body and mind, attention to breathing, body and mind connection is established. Breathe inward abdomen, while striving to expand the chest, abdomen inward and upward as far as possible away. After breathing, stopped 3 to 5 seconds. Breath, the abdomen expand outwards as far as possible, while reducing the thorax, can the appropriate force. Then the next breath. Breathing, abdominal adduction, chest expansion; cease; breath, abdominal expansion, chest adduction. To form such a breath cycle of a chest, “Sasser action” process. Exercise 3 to 5 minutes, depending on the individual’s ability, you can practice longer, they do not feel tired you can.
positioning breathing
positioning breathing to a certain idea of the role required. Concept refers to the central nervous system commands, but usually lead to physical instruction of the central nervous action, and here is the status of command and no action. Limb muscles in the body under the command of motor contraction resulting in movement occurred, but did not result in the instruction before the outward and visible action, can be called ideas. In the role of ideas, in fact, there are some subtle movement, involving specific parts of the micro-environment, but did not participate in large muscle. Positioning is the use of breathing such a role.
practice methods: Firstly, according to the location of the pain usually more comfortable with the supine, supine or side can be. Not cause pain to find comfort in the posture, the slight adjustment, and explore a critical position, or more than a certain magnitude may produce pain, pain at that point a little bit back. This position is going to happen without pain, pain status, physical and mental state in this will have a certain tension. Everyone is different, instructors need to be adjusted according to specific circumstances. In this position, applications targeting the most effective breathing. Inspiration, ideas, concerns and pain points or areas of pain a little tightening, then there may be some pain; stopped 3 to 5 seconds, and maintained; breath and relax that area, and with the idea of the feelings of pain as the breath dissolved out, or melt in the breath of pain to go.
sciatica usually involves multiple locations, locate breathing familiar, you can imagine with the breath of pain in multiple parts out with digestion. Positioning can help improve breathing in patients with pain threshold, increase pain tolerance, but also allows patients to relax slowly to grasp orientation. 5 to 10 minutes each practice. After skillfully, it can be applied in each pose of the exercise.