Mindfulness Yoga on Horseback

Roll up your yoga mat. You’re not going to need it for this class. You’ll use a horse as your yoga mat and partner.  Kim Bridi E-RYT and owner, The Tree: A Therapeutic Yoga Studio, leads a  program with yogis on horses. "Mindfulness Yoga on Horseback" , you’ll practice breathing techniques and grounded and mounted yoga poses designed to improve mind-body awareness, create greater flexibility and build strength.You’ll end each class with a short, guided meditation.

“Horses are exquisitely sensitive prey animals. Their very survival depends on their ability to be mindful of their surroundings,” said Kris Batchelor, farm owner and certified equine specialist. “They give you immediate and honest feedback and I expect that they will have many lessons for the participants."

Yoga on horseback brings awareness and mindfulness."When the student is moving through a mounted pose (on the horse), he or she will have to pay particular attention to how her movements are impacting the animal,” said Kim Bridi.“This creates the opportunity for someone who usually blazes through a yoga class to really be in the moment and be aware of his or her body and experience.” This class is also perfect for the equestrian who is interested in deepening the riding experience and connection with his/her own horse.  This program is suitable for all levels and experiences, equine and yoga. 

To learn more contact Kim Bridi at 704-749-4328. Kim Bridi is a presenter at Carolina Power Yoga's Teacher Training Intensive May 21-June 15