Ultimate State of Love and Happiness!

In YTT we've been taking meditation to another level. Meditation is a tool, which can be used many different ways. During one of our daily meditations we were asked to think of someone in our life, who needs forgiving. This concept is so important to me. In order to truly move forward, you need to let go of the past, or "what no longer serves you," as Tara says. Many of us unintentionally hold grudges towards people. Regardless of how monumental the situation, this anger can only hurt the person holding on to it. As we went deeper into our meditation, I eventually pictured myself. I was really surprised to see anger towards myself, but the more I thought about it, the more sense it makes. We have all these expectations for ourselves, and we critique ourselves, we even make limitations for ourselves. It's really important to remind yourself to lighten up on YOU! Forgive yourself, hold dreams, not expectations, and act in ways, which lead you closer to your ultimate state of love and happiness!
Have a great Memorial Day weekend!