Abdomen Churning

Nauli -Abdomen Churning : This is a method of controlling and toning all your internal organs. it involves churning or contracting different abdominal muscles through breath and muscles control. This is like sucking in your abdomen and moving the muscles in and out by pushing forwards. But without breathing. Nauli is believed to increase the flow of life force in the body so that the mind remains clear. The muscle movements and breath control generate heat in the body, stimulate and improve the functioning of the digestive system. It is believed to increase the blood flow to the digestive system and build up the heat, which is responsible for maintaining digestive health. Abdomen churning helps treat constipation, indigestion, acidity, nervous diarrhea, hormonal imbalances, flatulence, and urinary disorders. It also energizes and calms you during emotional disturbances. It improves your posture and also relieves menstrual problems. Ideally, do this exercise early in the morning on an empty stomach or wait for at least five to six hours after meals.
Carolina Power Yoga's YTT Faculty Arvind
demostrates Abdomen Churning