Finding your own Asana

Before finding CPY. I'd been to Yoga studios from Ny to California. Each studio had a different approach. I really had no idea what yoga was all about because I never got a chance to settle in to one practice. I usually went to whatever lesson fit my available time. I didn't pay attention to the different styles of Yoga. There is definitely a yoga style for everyone, no matter what your looking to get out of your practice. Also, many classes mix different styles of yoga. As I was researching styles, I realized how much we do at CPY. Here are just a few of the Yoga styles I've experienced.

Bikram Yoga - HOT HOT HOT! This practice is usually, 26 poses practiced in 105 degree heat. This style connects muscle strength, endurance, and flexibility. This was the first yoga I tried. I was instantly intimidated by the heat, but once I got used to it I enjoyed feeling refreshed and new. Definitely requires a long shower after!

Hatha Yoga - SImple, slow, and gentle flow of movements. This combination of postures, meditation, and regulated breathing helps me relax before bed. I also practice Hatha when I'm over-stressed.

Kundalini Yoga - Is what we practiced with HarDarshan last week. This refers to the energy around your lower spine. Expect lots of work in your core, and great breathing techniques such as fast paced Breath of Fire. Which involves a relaxed inhale, and working for your exhale, while pulling your belly button in and up.

Ashtanga Yoga - Power yoga, this is very physically demanding. The poses are progressive and continuous. Focuses on creating internal heat. This is not the best for beginners.

Iyengar Yoga - this uses lots of props such as blocks, harnesses, straps, and even cushions. There's also a lot of focus on alignment. We practiced Iyengar mixed with Anusara Yoga (heart opening poses) during our back bending workshop with Sandy. I've always been some what hesitant to use props because I don't have any, but they were so helpful for me. The strap really helped me go that extra inch during some of my poses. This helped me fully reach my stretch potential.

Restorative Yoga - This is exactly how it sounds. Relaxing, calm, and reflective. Tara ties in restorative yoga through out class at CPY. This helps me to slow down after a workout.

Vinyasa Flow: Which we practice most at CPY. Vinyasa flow is definitely my perfect yoga fit. I love challenging myself while connecting with body. The combination of detoxifying twists, meditation, balance, breath, strength training, and core workout, really touches every aspect of my practice.I feel strong yet relaxed and graceful like a dancer.

Jivamukti Yoga - Jivamukti is a less spiritual practice. It's a mix of vinyasa flow sequencing and with music, chanting and I've heard it even touches on the basics of vegetarianism. I've never tried Jivamukti, but its definitely on my list of things to do with my friends, while I'm home in, NY this week. =)

I hope everyone is enjoying the company of family and friends this weekend! See you back at the studio Friday!
